
KEVO assaults VAL but also manages to manipulate DUNCAN to suit his own selfish interests. VAL seems to have lost her voice,but for how long?...

In her quest to win BIEN back ,the man she loves dearly ,RISPER manages to pull a stunt that is straining BIEN’S marriage. How far...

RACHEL shows up at MARK place few days after a chat with ALPHONCE . Shock on MARK as he did not expect to see RACHEL...

The 2 sisters have experience the weight of the KAMBARAGES SURNAME. Get ready to ride with them in SEASON 2 as they are both consumed...

The game is ON,LINDA snitches on LOLA while NINA moves in with HARRIET.

Thanks to SHILA ,LWANDA manages to expose LOLA’s deceits. DYLAN couldn’t stand the embarrasment he decides to Kick LOLA out of the mansion. LWANDA and...

BECKY and JUNIOR settle their differences. They are now ready to sacrifice everything for the well-being of their son as advised by AMELIA.

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