Maria Cover image Jiffy Pictures


The fictional story ensues about the life of Maria (Yasmin Said). Without the fortune to meet her parents, she is left under the care of her foster mother, Naomi, who also dies shortly after

October 10, 2019
Cast & Crew
  • The fictional story ensues about the life of Maria (Yasmin Said). Without the fortune to meet her parents, she is left under the care of her foster mother, Naomi, who also dies shortly after. She gets adopted by William Hausa, an affluent man from the city's wealthy suburbs, meeting Luwi, the family's eldest son. He plunges in love with her, notwithstanding his licit betrothal to Sofia. Maria learns of his love for her and reciprocates. After divorcing Sofia, Luwi proposes to Maria.

  • Keywords
  • Release Date
    October 10, 2019
  • Countries
    • Filming Locations
      • Nairobi
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